Thursday 20 June 2019

How Can Kidney Beans Help in Curing the Kidney Stones?

If you ask someone for tips on how to get rid of kidney stones, you will probably heard about kidney beans. Consuming kidney beans has been popular among the kidney stone alternative cure community. Since most of the things you read on the Internet are usually hard to believe, you are probably looking for information on how exactly kidney beans help in dissolving kidney stones.

What Are The Nutrients That Can Be Found in Kidney Beans?

One of the key nutrients in kidney beans that can help restore the health of your kidneys is fiber. It can help people with chronic kidney disease. Also, a fiber rich diet has been linked to reduced risk of having kidney stones.

Kidney beans help get rid of kidney stones and keep the kidneys healthy with its fiber content. And if your going to increase fiber content in your diet, you might want to eat other fiber-rich foods like whole grains, and oats.

How to Prepare Kidney Beans For Kidney Stones

While most would prefer making kidney bean broth, you would want to simply cook and directly it them. The reason for is that you are going for the fiber in the kidney beans. Hence, eating them directly is the best option.

Thursday 13 June 2019

How Wheatgrass Can Cure Kidney Stones

If you are looking for natural cures for kidney stones, you may have heard about taking wheat grass to help dissolve those harmful stones in your kidneys. Wheat grass is full of antioxidants and nutrients that can help cure certain diseases and keep the body healthy. Despite this, there has not been study that says wheat grass can actually dissolve kidney stones.

A Quick Note on What Kidney Stones Are

Kidney stones are made up of crystallized salt and minerals. This is usually the result of too much salt in the blood due to lack of water and poor diet and also high acidity levels in the body. In most cases, you can prevent these stones from forming by staying hydrated, not eating too many salt and consuming alkaline rich foods.

Chlorophyll in Wheat Grass Can Dissolve Kidney Stones

Wheat grass, just like most green plants is rich in chlorophyll. This substance is capable of breaking down and dissolving calcium oxalate kidney stones. Keep in mind that calcium oxalate is just one type of kidney stone. Therefore, wheat grass may not be able to get rid of other types of kidney stones. Fortunately, calcium oxalate is the most common type of kidney stones.

Wheat grass, so far, has been proven to be effective at getting rid of calcium oxalate kidney stones. Further studies on its effectiveness on other type of kidney stones still need to be done. If you are not sure wheat grass is the right solution for you, seek the help of a medical professional.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Kidney Stone

As discussed in a previous post, apple cider vinegar can prevent kidney stones from forming as well as dissolve them. Before doing so, you should always keep in mind that apple cider vinegar is naturally acidic. Therefore, it should be taken in diluted form. Taking it in its undiluted form may damage your tooth enamel and your throat. And to be safe, rinse your mouth after taking ACV.

Honey and Apple Cider Vinegar

So, how do you prepare apple cider vinegar for direct consumption? The most common way to do it is to mix two tablespoons to a glass of water. To make a better taste, you can add a spoon of honey to the mixture.

Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar For Preventing Kidney Stones

If you are taking apple cider vinegar to get rid of kidney stones then it would help to add lemon juice to your ACV mixture. Since lemon juice also contains citrate, it can also help prevent new kidney stones from forming and also prevent existing kidney stones from getting any bigger. To keep your ACV mixture from getting too acidic, only add up to two tablespoons of lemon juice.

Olive Oil For Kidney Stones

Some suggests adding two tablespoons into your water+ACV+lemon juice mixture. This can provide you more health benefits since olive oil is rich in anti oxidants, which can help get rid of kidney stones.

Tuesday 11 June 2019

How Can Apple Cider Vinegar Get Rid of Kidney Stones

Apple cider vinegar or simple ACV has been a popular all-around cure for many health problems and that includes kidney stones. But since a lot of people still doubt the effectiveness of the majority of natural kidney disease treatment, you have second thoughts about using this vinegar to get rid of your kidney stones. Now, this is understand due to the lack of research about the effectiveness of this vinegar.

A Little Bit About Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are solid crystals made primarily of salts and some minerals, which reside in the kidneys and the urinary tract. Now, salts and minerals come and go to your kidneys. They only become stones when they are highly concentrated in your kidneys. This high concentration may be caused by lack of water, abnormal metabolism and other health problems.

Kidney stones vary in sizes and can cause pain in the kidney area when urinating. It can also cause nausea and fever.

How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Get Rid of Kidney Stones

Apple cider vinegar is rich in citric acid. Health advocates and other people who take apple cider vinegar believe that the citric acid in ACV can break down and eventually dissolve kidney stones. Also, you won’t have to worry about new stones forming while treating yourself since apple cider vinegar can alkalize the blood, which prevents the formation of new kidney stones.

It has been observed that apple cider vinegar can help reduce inflammation, which can also reduce pain. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it can also get rid of toxins and other free radicals in the body.

Research About The Effect of Apple Cider Vinegar on Kidney Stones

There are not enough studies on the direct effect of Apple Cider Vinegar on Kidney Stones. However, certain studies suggest the potential of ACV for getting rid of kidney stones.

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium. Studies have shown that potassium can help prevent formation of kidney stones. Despite this, experts suggest that more studies should be done on the effective of potassium on kidney stones.

A study has also shown that fermented vinegar can prevent formation of kidney stones. Since apple cider vinegar is a fermented product, it may help you get rid of kidney stones.

Another study done on animals has shown the protective effect of ACV on kidney diseases. It can also increase anti oxidant enzymes in the body as well as decrease bad cholesterol levels. These effects can prevent kidney stones from forming.

Apple cider vinegar can be best viewed as a preventive measure rather than a cure. Whether you have kidney stones or not, it is worth taking ACV since it can help get rid of certain health problems and keep you healthy.

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