Friday 13 May 2022

White Drops After Urination?

I came across a discussion where a person who has kidney stones often sees white drops after urination. He also disclosed that he currently has a 4 mm stone in his kidney.

First of all… Even though this is not something that one should ignore, you should not panic. You have to remember that one of the most important things that you need in order to cure any kind of health disease is a positive mindset. Of course, this may not do much in your situation, but it will make the whole process easier.

Also, avoid jumping into conclusions without having yourself checked. There are certain things that may be causing those white drops to come out, but you can never be 100% certain unless you go through specific medical tests.

Foods That You Eat

It is commonly known that eating certain foods can change the color of your urine. Now, I haven't come across any material that talks about white drops appearing in the urine after eating certain foods, so I can't say that this is a possible cause. On the other hand, if you are regularly experiencing discharge of those white particles, and you are not eating the same food everyday, then this is probably not the case.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones that are small enough to pass through urination can appear as white particles. If this is the case, then the white substance that you see in your urine may be a good sign. Now, I wouldn't say that this is always the case, so you should have those kidney stones monitored by a professional to see if you really are making any progress. For some, this may be associated with pain. I got information from someone who has experienced this that drinking water gets rid of the pain.


In most cases, going through laboratory tests that your doctor requires you to have will get you to the cause right away. If it's not kidney stones or certain foods you eat, then the white drops may be caused by other health problems.

UTI or Urinary Tract Infection are associated with white particles in urine. People with this infection typically experience pain when urinating. Strong color in the urine and frequent urination can also be observed and experienced. This is commonly treated with antibiotics.

The possibility of having STI or Sexually Transmitted Infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trichomoniasis should also be considered. This comes with certain lifestyle implications. Like, if you regularly participate in sexual acts with different partners, then you would want to have yourself checked for any STI's if there's a white discharge in your urine.

If it's not STI, consider having yourself checked for infections in the bladder and kidney, since they can also cause white drops to appear in the urine.

Next Step

As soon as you get confirmation that the white drops are caused by kidney stones, you need to take proactive steps to get rid of them. There are options such as doing a Kidney cleanse or simply making healthy food choices.

If it's not caused by kidney stones, then you have to undergo more examination to get to the cause of the problem. To ensure that you can address unseen complications with your condition, work with a medical professional.

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