Thursday 14 April 2022

Pass Your Kidney Stones With This Kidney Cleanse Method


I just came across a discussion about getting rid of kidney stones, and I thought I'd share a kidney cleanse method that has apparently worked for the person who shared it. I'm talking about the Hulda Regehr Clark Kidney Cleanse.

Hulda Regehr Clark Kidney Cleanse Recipe and Method

This recipe and method is included in Hulda Clark's Book, The Cure For All Diseases, which mostly focuses on cancer cure. With the objective of the book in mind, I think it's safe to say that you should approach the method with a grain of salt.

This is a three-week treatment that includes consumption of tea and supplements.


The effectiveness of this recipe on getting rid of kidney stones may depend on the severity of the condition. This should NOT be a substitute for professional treatment. Just to be safe, consult a medical professional before trying this out.


Tea Ingredients

  • one-half cup of dried hydrangea root

  • one-half cup of gravel root

  • one-half cup of marshmallow root

  • 8-ounces of Black Cherry Concentrate

  • four bunches of fresh parsley (can be bought from a grocery store)

  • sweetener (optional)


  • Ginger capsules

  • Uva Ursi capsules

  • Vitamin B6, 250 mg caps

  • Magnesium oxide, 300 mg caps or powder form

Other versions of this recipe and treatment include vegetable glycerin, goldenrod tincture, Hydrochloric acid drops, and powder of vitamin B2. Some claim to have experienced allergic reactions with these ingredients.

Most of the ingredients can be found in supermarkets.

Preparation and Consumption of The Roots

While this can be prepared at any time of the day, it would be more convenient to prepare this in the evening.

Get a container with a lid (a plate will do), and fill it up with ten cups of cold water. Get 1/4 cup of each root (half of the total amount of the roots) in the ingredients list and then soak them in the container for four hours. After four hours have passed, transfer the liquid to the saucepan, add 8-ounces of black cherry concentrate. Boil and let it simmer for twenty minutes. Once it's cool enough, drink one-fourth cups of the mixture and then refrigerate the rest.

Separate the roots from the mixture

Preparation and Consumption of Parsley

To make sure the parsley are clear enough for consumption, give them at least two hot washes. Boil them in one quart of water for five minutes (you can increase the duration depending on the volume of the parsley the water can cover) and let it cool.

Drink one-fourth cup of the mixture after cooling. It is recommended that you put 1 pint in the freezer and then refrigerate the rest. You can throw away the parsley, but I think it's best to use them as natural fertilizers in your garden.

Daily Consumption of The Root and Parsley Tea

At the start of the day, pour three-fourth cup of the root mixture and a half cup of the parsley mixture into a small container. Drink them in small doses throughout the day until your container is empty. Refrigerating the mixture can help with its preservation and improve its taste. You can even add some sweeteners, but be careful not to put too much of it. I'd recommend using unwashed sugar or honey.

You might feel the temptation to drink everything at once. This might cause a stomach ache or pressure in your bladder. If you have a sensitive stomach, start with half of the mixture in a day.

You might run out of root mixture after twelve to thirteen days. You can boil the roots you saved in six cups of water and then let the mixture simmer for ten minutes. The new supply will last for 8 days, which completes the three-week treatment.

The mixtures can easily spoil, so always refrigerate them whenever possible.

Supplements Dosage

Here are the dosages for the supplements:

  • Ginger capsules: 2 capsules with each meal (6 capsules in a day)

  • Uva Ursi capsules: 2 capsules with each meal (6 a day)

  • Vitamin B6 (250 mg): one capsule a day

  • Magnesium oxide (300 mg): one capsule a day.

As a general recommendation, these supplements should be taken before meals to reduce the possibility of too much burping.

Final Words

The combination of the two herbal mixtures may not taste well. You can enhance the taste by adding a few drops of lemon. Others have added some garlic to enhance the cleansing effect.

Please, let me know how it works for you in the comments section. I hope to hear from you soon.


Friday 1 April 2022

Are there any kidney stone pain relief exercises?

One of the questions that usually comes up when it comes to getting rid of kidney stones is “What exercises should I do to get rid of the pain?”

Based on the research that I've gathered, the pain that comes with having kidney stones is caused by the passing of the stones, and exercising might make it worse. Now, this is not to scare you. Exercising also has the potential of curing the condition through successful passing of the stones. However, this can only be recommended to people who have small kidney stones. To those who have large kidney stones, the movement of these stones might cause the stones to get stuck at the most sensitive areas of their bodies, which can make the pain worse.

With this in consideration, it is best to consult a medical professional before engaging in any kind of exercise.

Waist Circles

If your doctor says that it's okay for you to exercise, then you can start with any mild to moderate workouts. Since the pain that is caused by kidney stones usually centers around the waist area, doing waste circles might help. You simply stand up. Put your feet apart at shoulder-length, and then turn your waist in circles. You can start circling in a clockwise direction for a few times and then do the same thing in the opposite direction.

This video contains a demonstration of waist circles, start at the 30-second mark:

Abdominal and Lower Back Exercises

You might want to try out some abdominal and lower back exercises but I’d recommend that you mentioned this to your doctor before trying them. I've found some simple abdominal and back exercises that you might be interested in. You can access them here:

For convenient access, you can refer to the image below:

The Box Breathing Technique

Generally speaking, breathing techniques can reduce pain and make it easy for you to relax. There are plenty of breathing techniques out there but I’d recommend the Box breathing because of its simplicity. Like with any type of activity, this should be discussed with your doctor before giving it a try. 

You can do this while sitting, lying or standing. Choose the position you are most comfortable with. Simply inhale for three to four seconds. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds. Exhale for 3-4 seconds. Hold your breath 3-4 seconds before moving on to the next cycle. 

Be mindful of your shoulders, as they might tense while you breathe which can work against the relaxing effect of the technique. 

Don’t push yourself too hard when doing this. This is meant to calm you down. If this technique causes any discomfort, discontinue immediately.

- Jason

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